Product Design Services

Bozak Design is interested in being part of your success. Our diverse skill set can catapult your ideas into reality. Have a look at the things we can do for your business!


Streamline discovery of product opportunities in your industry

Optimize your product development budget

Develope original and IP protectable ideas that can expand your market share

We can provide the design concepts, marketing, and engineering support you need to discover, build, test, and expedite your product to market.

  • Bring in a new perspective and approach to thinking about your market and your products
  • Research and discover new product opportunities in growing markets
  • Build a strong and efficient partner/customer working relationship for maximum productivity
  • Work independently or closely with your in-house design, marketing, and engineering teams
  • Define, unify, and integrate diverse design criteria that competitively maximize value and economy for your customers
  • Communicate ideas clearly through sketches and mockups
  • Engineer products for ease of manufacture and product longevity
  • Optimize designs to minimize packaging, shipping, and manufactured cost
  • Combine human factors and ergonomics with tactility and color for a comfortable and intuitive user experience that relates to your corporate identity
  • Design for ease of assembly, repair, and part replacement
  • Design with a sensitivity to materials, tooling, and your production methods
  • Develop models for functional testing by your in-house designers and engineers
  • Produce fully drafted metal-safe tool-ready 3D component files for molded parts
  • Work closely with your tool makers through pre-production and modifications
  • 3D printed models
  • Facilitate patents and trademarks
  • Assist with branding, marketing, and merchandising ideas

New Products for License

If you’re interested in hot new products that are ready-to-license please visit our New Products for License page.